A.D. Banker & Company, USA

Software Engineer

Aug 2019 - present
  • Involving in the development of dynamic and responsive web application using Vue.js and Typescript which manages the users, tracks their performance, and enroll them in different courses.
  • Translating the UI/UX visual elements into functional elements and built modular and reusable components using Vue.js, Vuex, Typescript and worked on Vue.js events for communication between the different components and created unit tests using Jest.
  • Developing API’s using .Net Core 2.0 with OAuth for authentication and swagger for API specification and used AS400, MongoDB and MySQL to store/fetch the data.
  • Involving in the implementation of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) process for the applications through Jenkins.
  • Implemented the python scripts to send slack notifications about the status of the pipelines.
  • Involved in learning cloud infrastructure to build automated, scalable infrastructure using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and working on GCP services like Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Functions, Storage, Stackdriver Monitoring and Logging, Identity and Access Management (IAM).

UMKC Information Access, USA

Student Software Developer

Sep 2018 - May 2019
  • Involved in the development of UMKC internal applications on ASP.Net MVC and Entity Framework and maintaining the database components of multiple databases (Oracle, SQL Server).
  • Assisting professors and students with the issues/bugs related to UMKC internal applications by troubleshooting and resolving them.
  • Created the developer documentation for the applications.
  • Developed the User Interface using React JS and created class based and functional based components to implement features in React JS.
  • Performed Root Cause Analysis for the issues and improved the performance of the applications.
  • Followed the Agile software methodology and used stash to manage the repositories, confluence to manage the requirement documents and others, JIRA for client interaction.

Tata Consultancy Services, India

Software Engineer
Aug 2015 - Dec 2017
  • Worked for an electronic manufacturing company by designing the software for their smart kitchen appliance where I played a key role as a full stack developer in delivering the application on time and with more customer satisfaction.
  • Interacted with clients for requirements and involved in the design and analysis phase.
  • Developed Responsive Web Dashboard using Bootstrap, Angular, AmCharts to monitor and analyze the events occurring throughout the devices in the kitchen.
  • Implemented REST API services using NodeJS, Express to produce dynamic web content and perform event-driven functionalities.
  • Implemented the alert notifications module for sending Email and SMS notifications.
  • Implemented the database procedures for retrieving the data from PostgreSQL for analytics while improving the performance of the product.
  • Parsed the raw JSON, XML data and stored them in the respective tables in PostgreSQL.
  • Implemented the shell and Perl scripts which analyses the system functionality and stored the data in PostgreSQL.
  • Excelled in collaborating with other developers and technical teams to investigate and resolve critical production issues.
  • Followed Agile software methodology and used git for version control.


Doctor Queue Application

Allows the user to view the waiting time for each doctor in their location and allows to book the appointment through the application or by sending SMS and sends SMS about the status of their appointment.

Health related Ionic Application

The main goal of this application system is to provide an information about the drugs side effects. This application also gives the information about the nearest pharmacy stores by detecting the user current location.

Twitter Data Analysis using Apache Spark

The main objective of this project is analyzing the twitter data about different emotions like happy, sad, angry, etc.., Data is analyzed in spark and saved into csv files. This analyzed data is visualized in Am Charts.

Community Connect Application

This application allows the user to share the latest news related to the community or ask questions to community mates and also manages the records of the maintenance payments.















ASP .Net






University Of Missouri Kansas City

May 2019
Master of Science in Computer Science

VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology

Aug 2011 - May 2015
Bachelor of Technology


Star Of the Month - Nov 2017

Star Team - July 2017

Star Team - Mar 2017